Entitled “Connections,” my Herky statue embodies the theme of unity by incorporating elements that reflect our local community and culture. From city streets to the internet, favorite teams to shared traditions, it symbolizes the myriad ways we are interconnected, emphasizing that we have more in common than we may think.
Born and raised in Iowa, I earned Marketing and Fine Art Degrees from St. Ambrose University in 2015. My career has been in Marketing, currently serving as a Community Engagement Manager at Metronet. Outside of work, I cherish moments with my family, relish outdoor adventures, and find joy in painting.
Born and raised in Iowa, I earned Marketing and Fine Art Degrees from St. Ambrose University in 2015. My career has been in Marketing, currently serving as a Community Engagement Manager at Metronet. Outside of work, I cherish moments with my family, relish outdoor adventures, and find joy in painting.
At Metronet, we are committed to bringing state-of-the-art telecommunication services to the communities we serve by delivering services comparable or superior to those offered in large metropolitan areas. This commitment not only means better internet, television, and telephone options for our customers today, but also the capacity to continually provide additional products and services in the future as new uses for 100% fiber are developed!
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